Monday, August 29, 2011


Abacus is an ancient and extremely important tool in the field of mathematical calculations. Abacus is considered to be a very effective way to foster math skills in young children. This is due to the fact that it establishes a clear and logical concept of numbers and their value.

Benefits of Abacus:

-Replaces reliance on finger counting, and creates foundation for strong mental math skills.

-Fosters a greater sense of numbers.

-Enhances concentration, patience, and endurance.

-Develops right brain and mental math.

-Gives confidence in math.

-Provides a sense of achievement as math improves.

For more information, contact us 323-931-1995 and/or

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gabe 2

Solid Wooden Sphere, Cylinder, Cube & Hanging Apparatus

This set demonstrates the connections between the sphere, cylinder and cube and is conceptual bridge between the ball and wood blocks of the later Gabe sets. Solid sphere is shown in this set as reference of Gabe 1. Children will be introduced to name of the shapes and characteristics. Some solid will roll (sphere, cylinder) and some will stand (cube, cylinder). Watching and playing these shapes will bring natural curiosity, which is first step to basic science.

What will my child learn?

Will be introduced to perfect sphere.
Will learn about different shapes and differentiate the pieces.
Will discover that by spinning one solid he/she will see the shape of another.
Child will learn characteristics of different shapes through imaginative play.

Sign up for your free demonstration!
323-931-1995 or

Monday, August 15, 2011

Classes Offered


Inspired by Friedrich Froebel, the ”Father of Kindergarten,” classes mimic the world known Gabe format. Because of this, classes will excel each kids development, expand their imagination and fine-tune their sensory motor skills with play.
Age: 15 - 36 Months
6 Weeks Tuition: $150


Using Froebel’s educational toy, Gabe, children will feel empowered to be lively and free. These classes will teach the children to use his or her environment as an educational tool, show the connection between human life and nature, and facilitate a bond between children and adults through play and games.
Age: 2.5 - 8 Years Old
6 Weeks Tuition: $210


Abacus is considered the most effective way to initiate math for young children and sharpen math skills for everyone. It establishes numeric relations in a clear and logical way for small children. And most importantly, helps students overcome the fears of mathematics, if any, and gain confidence.
Age: 4 - 8 Years Old
4 Weeks Tuition: $110

* There is one time registration fee of $25 for first time students.

Call or email us for information and free trials!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our promo film by awesome “cool mom”

Thanks Daphne Brogdon and her wonderful crew for making this awesome promo film for us! Go!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bye Bye Wizard of Oz! & Sneak Peak of Our New Display

Thank you Dorothy, Hunk (scarecrow), Zeke (lion), Hickory(tin man) and emerald castle. You guys were a beautiful display and great fun making, but it's time to bid farewell. We will surely miss you guys and kids(especially!) will miss you dearly as they always had fun taking you apart! But don’t worry we will have new eye pleasing display up soon and here is a sneak peak of what's coming!

Can you guess what our theme is? By the way, those circles…. We’ve been slaying away hours cutting them! It was very labor intensive but listening to all the Disney sing-along songs kept us entertaining.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Gabe 1

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple Yarn Balls & Ropes

The ball symbolizes unity and whole. It also represents mother’s womb and warmth, planet earth that we live in, sun, moon, and well-rounded personality amongst other things. By participating in activities such as rolling, swinging, squeezing, revolving, hopping, kicking, etc. children will enhance muscle development and learn characteristics of a ball.

What will my child learn?

The child will learn a sense of independence and accomplishment.
It will broaden child’s activeness and enhance eye-hand coordination and over all motor skills.
Helps with see, feel and touch sensory development.
By watching and playing with toys, they improve observation skill.
Learn basic concept of count, color and movement.

Sign up for your free demonstration!
323-931-1995 or

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Froebel's Gabe

Perhaps the world's most intricately conceived playthings invented by Frederick Froebel (Creator of Kindergarten), these materials appear deceptively simple, but represent a sophisticated approach to child development. Children explore mathematical and scientific concepts through direct manipulation of physical objects. As children build and experiment with blocks they develop richer ways of thinking about mathematical concepts such as number, size, and shape.

Benefits of Gabe:

-Establish spatial relationships and proceed to sensory and language training.

-Enhance creativity, cognitive thinking, social skills and teamwork.

-See remarkable qualities and innovative ideas that make each child unique when they have the opportunity to explore and create according to Froebel's method.

-Students learn by using their senses and through physical activities; they use inanimate objects to create art and learn through play

-Frank Lloyd Wright, a world famous American architect, credited his boyhood experiences with Froebel's Gabe as the foundation of his architecture 

For more information and free demonstration, contact us at 323-931-1995 and/or